Thing that i like in Malaysia

  • 2. Going to the pasar malam

    • F21f
    • There's food, cheap slippers, random knick knacks, more food...
  • 3. Drink teh tarik a.k.a. our national drink

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      Image viaPenang Heritage City
    • We even have competitions and national championships to find the best teh tarik master in the entire country.
  • 4. Half-boiled egg + toast with butter and kaya + kopi 'o' = perfect breakfast

  • 5. Eat nasi lemak for breakfast, lunch, tea time, dinner, supper, after clubbing...

  • 6. Eat banana leaf with your hands. It tastes better one.

  • 7. Crave for Ramly burger in the middle of the night

    • E109
      Image viaJohor Kaki
    • Then purposely drive out to immediately satisfy your craving.
  • 8. Hang out at the mamak 'til 3am to watch football or badminton

  • 9. Drive for hours to another state e.g. Penang or Ipoh for one reason and one reason only - TO EAT

  • 10. Eat freshly opened durian by the roadside

  • 11. Eat cendol by the roadside

  • 12. Line up under the hot sun for good food

  • 13. Queue up for hours (or even overnight!) whenever there's a new store opening or a new product launch

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      Image viaFacebook
    • Also applicable for unexpectedly in-demand Happy Meal toys.
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      Image viaFacebook
  • 14. Queue up to pump petrol the night before the price goes up

  • 15. Get stuck in a traffic jam

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      Image viaHype
    • It's especially kan cheong when you desperately need to pee!
  • 16. Take the LRT to KLCC

  • 17. Go to typical vacation spots like Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands, or Sunway Lagoon over the school holidays

  • 18. Or famous islands like Pulau Langkawi or Pulau Redang

  • 19. Take a tourist-y pic with the Petronas Twin Towers

  • 20. Lawatan sambil belajar ke Petrosains

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      Image viaSMITA
    • Also in the classic school field trip list: Penang Hill, Muzium Negara, and batik factory.
  • 21. Celebrate birthdays at fast food outlets

  • 22. Join kawad kaki in school

  • 23. True joy is when the Milo truck comes to your school for Hari Sukan

  • 24. Kena denda together with all of your classmates

  • 25. Make #art using vegetables for Pendidikan Seni

  • 26. Mess up the stars whenever you have to draw the Malaysian flag

    • 0edf


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