
Suggestion on improving the subject.

Suggestion on improving the subject. During this course we were taught about a computer and its applications. We were taught about cyber security, green computing, web, internet, applications, microsoft office tools. During the lectures we faced no such issue as there is no room left for improvement. The topics were accurately matched with the practicals that were conducted in the lab. Eventually, now we got an idea of preparing presentations and also circuits on a circuit simulator. We had a friendly environment and all the doubts if anyone had were cleared thoroughly. Overall experience was very smooth. .

Evolution of internet and web authorization

There are numerous variables that add to the transformation of the web yet as a matter of first importance we should realize what is the internet. The web is a worldwide PC system giving an assortment of data and correspondence facilities,consisting of interconnecting systems utilizing an institutionalized correspondence protocols.The Internet is an overall gathering of systems that connections a large number of organizations, government offices, instructive establishments, and individuals.The web began as a test in the late 1960s by the ARPA.The US Department of Defense built up a task called ARPANET, it was created to endure atomic assault. ARPANET comprised of 4 fundamental PCs situated at University of California, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara , The Stanford Research Institute , University of Utah. Every one of these PCs cut off as a host on the system The first systems administration convention utilized on the ARPANET was the Network Control Program.In 1983,it was supplant

The importance of privacy, security , green computing awareness for society

The Importance of Privacy, Security,Legal and Green Computing awareness for society. Presently day online person to person communication extended exponentially,with the greatest names in internet based life,for example, Facebook,Instagram,Twitter and Snap Chat. We as a whole appreciate staying aware of loved ones via web-based networking media however we must know about our protection and security when we have to be aware of our privacy and security when we do. THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY Presently day online interpersonal interaction extended exponentially , with the greatest names in web based life, for example, Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and Snap Chat. We as a whole appreciate staying aware of loved ones via web-based networking media however we must know about our protection and security when we do. THE IMPORTANCE OF SECURITY Securing significant information, secret data, systems, programming, hardware, offices, organization's advantages, and security staff ou

5 native language sentences

انا طالب في جامعة ucsi I am student in UCSI University  انا احب عائلتي I love my parents  كيفيك اليوم How are you today يجب العب الكوره القدم يوم الجمعه I usually ay football on friend    احب اكل الارز مع الدجاج I like to eat rice with chicken 

Thing that i like in Malaysia

2. Going to the pasar malam Image via There's food, cheap slippers, random knick knacks, more food... 3. Drink teh tarik a.k.a. our national drink Image via Penang Heritage City We even have competitions and national championships to find the best teh tarik master in the entire country. 4. Half-boiled egg + toast with butter and kaya + kopi 'o' = perfect breakfast Image via Memories of the Way We Were Wordpress BONUS:  Let's throw roti canai in the mix too! Image via Zomato 5. Eat nasi lemak for breakfast, lunch, tea time, dinner, supper, after clubbing... Image via Expat Go 6. Eat banana leaf with your hands. It tastes better one. Image via Dine&Discover 7. Crave for Ramly burger in the middle of the night Image via Johor Kaki Then purposely drive out to immediately satisfy your craving. 8. Hang out at the mamak 'til 3am to watch football or badminton Im

Introducing my self

My name is mustafa bahnasi. I am from egypt. I am currently living in Kuala Lumpur. I like watching football